Now that I have a few minutes to myself I can give a little update. We are officially in week 3 of homeschooling, and while we are still working out some kinks, it seems to be going well. I have quickly noticed that each girl has their own unique learning style. Samara is an independent learner who can read something and recite it back to me almost word for word and retains what she learned. Andrea has a little more difficulty with comprehending what she reads but when I can get her to slow down and actually pay attention to what she is reading she does pretty good. Myranda is easily distracted and sporadic. If she finds something the least bit uninteresting then she gives up. I have had and interesting time finding creative ways to get her interested in what she needs to learn. I have found that games that incorporate what she needs to learn work really good. I am also debating whether I should have them study together or at seperate times. I began with a set schedule for each subject and have had a hard time with the girls disrupting each other. Also, if I have to go over something with one of the girls, the other two are distracted by me. I have started working with each one individually the past couple days and have found that this way has its good and bad points also. I guess I will just have to weigh the pros and cons of each way and go with the one that comes out ahead.
Besides all that we have joined a homeschool group in the county that has been a big help to us in our learning process and we have made new friends as well. We even had our first field trip last week to a coffee roaster!