On August 23rd, around 7pm I noticed I was having some mild contractions that were a little irregular but for the most part every 2-4 minutes apart. I decided to recline on the couch to see if they would go away and after a couple hours they were still there and settled into a regular pattern of 3 1/2 minutes apart and about a minute long, so at around 9-9:30 pm I decided that I might want to go ahead and go to the hospital to get checked since I was Group B Strep + and at a 4 already. I had Tom help my grab the carseat, hospital bag and Analeia's bag just in case I was admitted. It took a few minutes to get him motivated enough to leave the house since the little league world series was on and the game was getting good but I finally got him to go lol.
When we got there they put me in a triage room so I could be checked to see if I was still contracting and if there was any progress. Now, at my last checkup the week before my cervix was still pretty thick but when the nurse checked me I was 80% effaced. I was also contracting every couple minutes. The nurse called my doctor and the he said that since I was contracting and had progressed since my appointment that I was going to stay! They then moved us to a labor and delivery room and hooked me up with a hep lock for the IV for my antibiotics but I didn't have to have the IV just yet so I was able to walk to halls to encourage labor along. Every once in a while I would go back to my room to take a break and let them monitor the baby. At around 1:15 am the doctor got there so the nurses hooked up my IV and the doctor broke my water to get things really moving. They also brought me a birthing ball since I wanted to use one for labor :-) For the first 30 minutes I had to lay down in bed because the baby was still high up when they broke my water. They wanted to make sure that the cord didn't come down. During that time I didn't feel much which surprised me since with my last two babies I had intense contractions within a couple minutes after my water was broken. After the 30 minutes was up I got on the ball to help the baby come down and get the contractions to intensify. After a few minutes it worked because I started getting really good contractions. Every once in a while the nurse would come in and check the baby's heartrate and said that whenever I feel like it I could have her check my progress. It was nice because I felt like I was in charge the whole time. Things got done when I was ready. I wasn't told what to do or when to do it. Once things got really intense an hour later I asked the nurse to check my progress. I was at a 6 so I got back on the ball and toughed it out. I had the ball next to the bed so I could lean against the bed when needed and grabbed the rail (I was worried I would crush Tom's hand if I grabbed it lol.) After a while my legs got tired so I climbed back in bed and tried to relax through the contractions though they were pretty intense. By 3:30 I was curled up in a ball on my side in the bed I was in so much pain so I asked the nurse to check me one more time and I was around a 7-8 (if I remember correctly lol) so they started getting everything ready and then I felt the urge to push so she checked me once more and I was ready to go so they got the doctor and she was born at 3:51 am after just one push! She was 8lbs 13oz and 20 inches long.
Because she was born so fast she had a lot of fluid in her so they had had to suction her really good and Tom followed her to the nursery because she was still having a little trouble with fluid. In the meantime I was bleeding a lot so they had to give me a shot to control the bleeding and clotting... That didn't work so they gave me cytotec and that didn't work right away either so finally the doctor had to come in to fix me up. Not sure exactly what he did but I think they pushed down on my uterus while he removed the massive clots and blood, which hurt almost as bad as the childbirth! Finally the bleeding/clotting was controlled so I was wheeled over to postpartum. Shortly after that they brought Analeia to me and I have been on cloud 9 since :-)
When we got there they put me in a triage room so I could be checked to see if I was still contracting and if there was any progress. Now, at my last checkup the week before my cervix was still pretty thick but when the nurse checked me I was 80% effaced. I was also contracting every couple minutes. The nurse called my doctor and the he said that since I was contracting and had progressed since my appointment that I was going to stay! They then moved us to a labor and delivery room and hooked me up with a hep lock for the IV for my antibiotics but I didn't have to have the IV just yet so I was able to walk to halls to encourage labor along. Every once in a while I would go back to my room to take a break and let them monitor the baby. At around 1:15 am the doctor got there so the nurses hooked up my IV and the doctor broke my water to get things really moving. They also brought me a birthing ball since I wanted to use one for labor :-) For the first 30 minutes I had to lay down in bed because the baby was still high up when they broke my water. They wanted to make sure that the cord didn't come down. During that time I didn't feel much which surprised me since with my last two babies I had intense contractions within a couple minutes after my water was broken. After the 30 minutes was up I got on the ball to help the baby come down and get the contractions to intensify. After a few minutes it worked because I started getting really good contractions. Every once in a while the nurse would come in and check the baby's heartrate and said that whenever I feel like it I could have her check my progress. It was nice because I felt like I was in charge the whole time. Things got done when I was ready. I wasn't told what to do or when to do it. Once things got really intense an hour later I asked the nurse to check my progress. I was at a 6 so I got back on the ball and toughed it out. I had the ball next to the bed so I could lean against the bed when needed and grabbed the rail (I was worried I would crush Tom's hand if I grabbed it lol.) After a while my legs got tired so I climbed back in bed and tried to relax through the contractions though they were pretty intense. By 3:30 I was curled up in a ball on my side in the bed I was in so much pain so I asked the nurse to check me one more time and I was around a 7-8 (if I remember correctly lol) so they started getting everything ready and then I felt the urge to push so she checked me once more and I was ready to go so they got the doctor and she was born at 3:51 am after just one push! She was 8lbs 13oz and 20 inches long.
Because she was born so fast she had a lot of fluid in her so they had had to suction her really good and Tom followed her to the nursery because she was still having a little trouble with fluid. In the meantime I was bleeding a lot so they had to give me a shot to control the bleeding and clotting... That didn't work so they gave me cytotec and that didn't work right away either so finally the doctor had to come in to fix me up. Not sure exactly what he did but I think they pushed down on my uterus while he removed the massive clots and blood, which hurt almost as bad as the childbirth! Finally the bleeding/clotting was controlled so I was wheeled over to postpartum. Shortly after that they brought Analeia to me and I have been on cloud 9 since :-)
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