Well hello there! I've been MIA for a week now because we welcomed our baby girl, Jaina, into the world on October 11th! I know this may sound redundant to the ones who have already read my birth story, but I figured I better post it here:
When I went to my appt. on October 7th I was 3-4 cm dilated and 65% effaced so they told me to come in that Saturday at 10 am. To help things along on Friday, the family and I went to Toys R Us and the mall to walk around. It must have worked because while I didn't have contractions when I came in Saturday morning, my midwife checked me and said that I was then 4-5 cm and 80% effaced!
She then gave me my first dose of antibiotics for Group B Strep and had me use the breast pump for about 30 minutes to encourage contractions. I wasn't really feeling anything so she had me go walk at the park across the street for an hour. Luckily it was a beautiful day and not too too hot but it was warm. Towards the end of my walk I started to feel a couple small contractions and when I got back I let my midwife know. She checked me again and I was almost 6 cm and my bag of waters was bulging...
She decided to have me use the pump again for 30 minutes to help the contractions I was having and by this time it was 1:00 pm so she sent me on another walk for 30 minutes. Towards the end of that walk I had some stronger contractions but nothing major. When we got back to the birth center, my midwife discussed breaking my water and I agreed so after I got my second dose of antibiotics at 2:00 pm, she broke my water and then the real contractions began!
It wasn't as bad as I expected because when I had my son last year they broke my water right after starting pitocin and I had immediate "take your breath away why did I agree to this" contractions. This time it was different. The contractions were painful but I had time in between to relax and gain focus.
My midwife suggested I try the birthing ball to help ease the pain and progress things and so I did. I will strongly recommend a birthing ball to any pregnant mommy because it made things so much more manageable and really helped me focus on what my body was supposed to do! At one point I thought that maybe laying on my side on the bed may feel a little better... BIG MISTAKE!!! The moment I laid down I was in EXTREME pain! So as soon as I was able to move again, back to the ball I went!
After a while the contractions started coming one on top of each other and it was getting tough to focus so I wanted to try laboring in the tub. I sat on the ball some more while the tub was filling and when it was halfway filled I was going to get in but first my midwife wanted to check me to see how far I progressed. When she did she said let's not worry about the tub, we are going to have a baby! I was 9 cm!
While they were getting things ready they commented on how they couldn't believe how fast I progressed and that I was still smiling and cheerful. I said that the reason is I know that I will be meeting my littlest girl soon! After just ONE minute of pushing, Jaina Elizabeth Rose entered the world at 3:00 pm :-) Later on I found out that the cord was wrapped around her neck twice! I'm glad I didn't know that at the time.... I would have been a wreck! She was 8lbs, 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
Since she was born she has been nursing like a champ, has reddish blond hair, and blue eyes. After resting for a while and bonding with Jaina we were told that as long as I feel okay we were allowed to leave whenever we were ready as long as it has been at least two hours so we decided to head home at 5:30pm. We were kinda worried about how Alex would react to Jaina when we got home but when he saw her he got very excited and happy. He's still adjusting well and the only issue we have is reminding him to be gentle with her. He's such a boy LOL. The girls are doing great as well. I had no worries with them because they were wonderful when Alex was born. They love to spoil them :-)
Luckily I have recovered rather quickly. I'm still a little sore but that's expected. I can walk around for quite a while before I have to rest and as of last Tuesday I only have 4lbs to lose before reaching my pre pregnancy weight.
On another note... The girls had school photos on October 8th. That morning I put the money for the photos in each girl's backpack and sent them to school. Well, last week Samara and Andrea brought their photos home but Myranda did not bring hers. I asked her where they were and she said that the teacher did not have them. We thought maybe the teacher forgot to give Myranda her photos so we decided to wait a couple of days before worrying about it. Well, this weekend, Tom happens to walk through the hallway here at the house and notices her photo money envelope in the hall. There was our answer! Apparently Myranda's money fell out of her backpack, so this is our idea: Instead of paying a $10 late fee on already ridiculously priced photos, we are going to get her dressed in the same dress that she wore for school pictures and take her to the Walmart studio. Heck, it'll be cheaper than what we would have paid for the school pictures, plus we will get more... We decided that we'll probably go ahead and get our family portraits done as well since we'll be there anyway.
That's it for now... Nothing else going on except the girls are working hard on earning their Girl Scout badges... So far they are almost done with one and have a bunch more that they are working on. Yay!
Before I go here are a couple pics from when Jaina was born plus Samara and Andrea's school pics:

When I went to my appt. on October 7th I was 3-4 cm dilated and 65% effaced so they told me to come in that Saturday at 10 am. To help things along on Friday, the family and I went to Toys R Us and the mall to walk around. It must have worked because while I didn't have contractions when I came in Saturday morning, my midwife checked me and said that I was then 4-5 cm and 80% effaced!
She then gave me my first dose of antibiotics for Group B Strep and had me use the breast pump for about 30 minutes to encourage contractions. I wasn't really feeling anything so she had me go walk at the park across the street for an hour. Luckily it was a beautiful day and not too too hot but it was warm. Towards the end of my walk I started to feel a couple small contractions and when I got back I let my midwife know. She checked me again and I was almost 6 cm and my bag of waters was bulging...
She decided to have me use the pump again for 30 minutes to help the contractions I was having and by this time it was 1:00 pm so she sent me on another walk for 30 minutes. Towards the end of that walk I had some stronger contractions but nothing major. When we got back to the birth center, my midwife discussed breaking my water and I agreed so after I got my second dose of antibiotics at 2:00 pm, she broke my water and then the real contractions began!
It wasn't as bad as I expected because when I had my son last year they broke my water right after starting pitocin and I had immediate "take your breath away why did I agree to this" contractions. This time it was different. The contractions were painful but I had time in between to relax and gain focus.
My midwife suggested I try the birthing ball to help ease the pain and progress things and so I did. I will strongly recommend a birthing ball to any pregnant mommy because it made things so much more manageable and really helped me focus on what my body was supposed to do! At one point I thought that maybe laying on my side on the bed may feel a little better... BIG MISTAKE!!! The moment I laid down I was in EXTREME pain! So as soon as I was able to move again, back to the ball I went!
After a while the contractions started coming one on top of each other and it was getting tough to focus so I wanted to try laboring in the tub. I sat on the ball some more while the tub was filling and when it was halfway filled I was going to get in but first my midwife wanted to check me to see how far I progressed. When she did she said let's not worry about the tub, we are going to have a baby! I was 9 cm!
While they were getting things ready they commented on how they couldn't believe how fast I progressed and that I was still smiling and cheerful. I said that the reason is I know that I will be meeting my littlest girl soon! After just ONE minute of pushing, Jaina Elizabeth Rose entered the world at 3:00 pm :-) Later on I found out that the cord was wrapped around her neck twice! I'm glad I didn't know that at the time.... I would have been a wreck! She was 8lbs, 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
Since she was born she has been nursing like a champ, has reddish blond hair, and blue eyes. After resting for a while and bonding with Jaina we were told that as long as I feel okay we were allowed to leave whenever we were ready as long as it has been at least two hours so we decided to head home at 5:30pm. We were kinda worried about how Alex would react to Jaina when we got home but when he saw her he got very excited and happy. He's still adjusting well and the only issue we have is reminding him to be gentle with her. He's such a boy LOL. The girls are doing great as well. I had no worries with them because they were wonderful when Alex was born. They love to spoil them :-)
Luckily I have recovered rather quickly. I'm still a little sore but that's expected. I can walk around for quite a while before I have to rest and as of last Tuesday I only have 4lbs to lose before reaching my pre pregnancy weight.
On another note... The girls had school photos on October 8th. That morning I put the money for the photos in each girl's backpack and sent them to school. Well, last week Samara and Andrea brought their photos home but Myranda did not bring hers. I asked her where they were and she said that the teacher did not have them. We thought maybe the teacher forgot to give Myranda her photos so we decided to wait a couple of days before worrying about it. Well, this weekend, Tom happens to walk through the hallway here at the house and notices her photo money envelope in the hall. There was our answer! Apparently Myranda's money fell out of her backpack, so this is our idea: Instead of paying a $10 late fee on already ridiculously priced photos, we are going to get her dressed in the same dress that she wore for school pictures and take her to the Walmart studio. Heck, it'll be cheaper than what we would have paid for the school pictures, plus we will get more... We decided that we'll probably go ahead and get our family portraits done as well since we'll be there anyway.
That's it for now... Nothing else going on except the girls are working hard on earning their Girl Scout badges... So far they are almost done with one and have a bunch more that they are working on. Yay!
Before I go here are a couple pics from when Jaina was born plus Samara and Andrea's school pics:

1 comment:
congratulations again! Jaina is so beautiful!!!!
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