Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm such a slacker.

So yeah, I've been a bad blogger. Shame on me! Here is a much needed quick update...

Hmmmm...... Where to start?

Well after several months of my Ford Freestar minivan sitting in the driveway of our home in Abilene we finally got the money to get the P.O.S. fixed. So far I have had the transmission rebuilt and replaced the compressor. Now I have a light that turns on occasionally telling me my transmission is about to crap out on me again and my rear air control doesn't work. It blows hot air when we need a/c and cold air when we need heat. I had it checked out at the shop and they tell me that it will cost around 3500 to fix it. All I could do was laugh. I recently tried to trade in my van and they appraised it at 3500! I still owe over 8500 so yeah we are going to have a slightly difficult time trading it in. I'm going to keep trying though :-) Until then I'm just using the van as little as possible hoping it doesn't completely fall apart on me.

On top of that, the past couple weeks we have all been battling chest colds. The youngest two also have pinkeye and Alex is getting over an ear infection. Everyone is slowly getting better except Jaina's eyes are still about the same. The pediatrician thinks she may have blocked tear ducts. I think she has bad allergies. But what do I know LOL.

We are still working on our house in Abilene trying to get it ready to rent. The kiddos and I spent all of spring break working on it getting carpet pulled up and cleaning *Special thanks to my brother, Jessie, for helping us out*. We were supposed to have carpet installed on Sunday after we left and my dad was supposed to be there to let the installer in and pay him but my dad had a bad asthma attack and had to go to the hospital. He said that he is getting better and should be allowed to go home Friday. After we get the carpet installed, the rest of the stuff cleared out, and countertops installed in the kitchen then it should be ready to go. I'll be glad because we are paying $600 a month plus utilities on a house that we are not even living in. Once we are finished we should be able to get at least $1000 a month if not more because there are not many 4 bedrooms in the neighborhood.

On to some happy updates... Samara, Andrea, and Myranda are continuing to do great in school. Samara was on the A-B honor roll last six weeks and was the top reader in the entire school. Andrea was on the A honor roll, and Myranda received an award in her class. Can't remember what exactly it was but it was something to the effect of "Best overall" or something like that. Alex is continuing to amaze us with how witty he is and with his strength. He can run, climb, and get into all sorts of trouble lol. Jaina is growing so fast. She rolls over on both sides and may start to crawl soon. She can sit unassited for a few seconds before falling over and so far has tried rice cereal, banana, sweet potato, and peas. I'm amazed and proud of myself too because on April 11th I will hit the 6 month breastfeeding milestone, a great accomplishment for me considering I gave up breastfeeding Alex by 3 months. I've actually tried giving formula to Jaina once or twice and she won't take it LOL. I'm debating whether or not I want to transition to formula soon or to go the full year. I think my experience with her and the formula has made up my mind for me though :-)

Well, I guess that's it for now...

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