Sunday, October 11, 2009

From Baby to Toddler

Wow I can't believe it's been a full year since Jaina was born! It seems like only yesterday I was typing the last blog before she was born. I have to say she has been the most easy going baby I have ever known. It's a good thing because Alex is definitely in the terrible twos! Looking back on the day she was born, all of my memories are good ones. It was the most wonderful experience and if we were to have another baby (not happening, lol) I would definitely use the birth center again. I only wish that I had known my options when I had my son but I can't change that and that is okay. For anyone who is having a baby in the future I strongly recommend doing your research and deciding the best option for you. For anyone in or near Denton, Texas I strongly recommend Innana Birth Center (they take most insurance) Everyone there is very friendly, caring and helpful :-)Anyway, I gotta get Alex to go to bed. He's been fighting sleep all evening... I'll leave you with the link to Jaina's birth story:

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Happy Birthday, Jaina!! I can't believe it's already been a year, either!!

ps. I hear ya' on the terrible twos. Miles is a crazy man!!

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