Sunday, November 7, 2010

What's up --->

This past week has been fun... I called my mama and made plans with her for Thanksgiving. She and my stepdad are going to come over with my stepsister and possibly my younger brother. My mother-in-law and father-in-law may possibly come over too if they get the chance. It will be a noisy, crowded home on Thanksgiving but that's okay. I like my home lively :-)

Samara, Andrea, and Myranda are doing UIL this year. Myranda is going for Storytelling. She had her first practice on Wednesday and it ran late. It was supposed to end at 3:45 and didn't end until almost 4:00. That made things interesting because Andrea has honor choir practice on the same day. She got out at 3:55 and she goes to a different school a couple miles away so I was late picking her up. Luckily she had her phone so I could explain what happened. Hopefully Myranda's practice won't run that late anymore. Andrea is going to do Music Memory for UIL this year. She did that before a couple of years ago and learned quick that you have to study and practice to do well so hopefully she does great this year. Samara is going to do Art Appreciation I think. It's the one where she has to memorize the titles of famous artwork. She did that a couple years ago too and won first place so I'm sure she will do well again as long as she prepares.

I really need to get Alex and Jaina scheduled for their yearly well child visit. I've been putting that off because there's been so much going on. I also need to get their yearly photos done but I may wait until we get our family portraits done.

Just for future reference, I *may* have a big announcement soon...

Tom and I received some very interesting information that, once we have validated, we will share with everyone.

That is the only hint I will provide ;-)

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